Craigflower Co-op Community BBQ
Sept 3rd 2024

Craigflower Co-op Halloween Costume Parade & Pumpkin Carving Contest
October 23rd 2023
Greetings neighbours! The Craigflower Co-op Social Committee is delighted to invite you to our annual Halloween Costume Parade and Pumpkin Carving Contest!! Please meet us in the “pit” (in front of units 15-18) on Tuesday, October 31st from 5:00-5:30pm to show off your costumes and receive a special treat! If you’ve carved a pumpkin this year, take a picture of it and send it to us at, and display it outside of your unit for a chance to win one of 3 special prizes! Online voting will be available all day on the 31st.

Action Required Tomorrow Oct 24th: Parking Spots 45-49 to be vacated
October 23rd 2023
Dear Residents Craigflower Co-op,
We hope this message finds you well. We wanted to inform you of some upcoming maintenance work that will be taking place in our community.
Whiterose Developments will be conducting repairs to the broken fence and concrete wall in the parking lot adjacent to parking stalls 45 through 47 & visitor spots 48 & 49 (by the dumpster across from unit 12). This necessary work will ensure the safety and aesthetics of our community, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this process.
Please be aware that there may be some noise associated with the repair work, which will be carried out between the daylight hours throughout the day of October 24th. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and will do our best to keep disruptions to a minimum.
Should you have any concerns or questions regarding this maintenance work, please feel free to reach out to me at Your feedback is valuable, and we are here to address any inquiries you may have.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work to improve our community.
Gutter Cleaning Notice October 24th & 25th
October 21st 2023
Dear Residents,
We hope this message finds you well. We would like to inform you that Property Wizards will be conducting gutter cleaning at 1509 Glentana Road from October 24th to October 25th. This essential maintenance work will ensure that our community continues to thrive and remain in excellent condition.
Please note the following details about the gutter cleaning:
1. Date: October 24th – October 25th, 2023
2. Time: During daylight hours
3. Nature of Work: Property Wizards will use ladders to access the roofs for gutter cleaning.
4. Contact Information: If you have any questions or concerns related to this work, please feel free to reach out to Chase at
We kindly ask for your cooperation during this period, which will help us maintain our co-op in top-notch condition. Your safety is a priority, so please exercise caution when moving around the area where the cleaning is in progress.
Thank you for your understanding, and we appreciate your cooperation in ensuring the upkeep of our community.
Best regards,
Chase Bitz
Property Manager
Raven Property Management
328 Wale Road
Victoria BC
V9B 0J8
Fall Clean Up
September 23rd 2023
Hello everyone and happy first days of autumn.
Social Committee: Community BBQ!
September 13th 2023

Social Committee: Easter Egg Hunt!
April 7th 2023

Craigflower Co-op holiday movie nite and baking exchange!
November 27th 2022

Craigflower Co-op Community Game Night
November 11th 2022

Notice from Grounds Committee
November 5th 2022
Hello all,
Craigflower Co-op Halloween
October 26th 2022

Craigflower Co-op BBQ
August 20th 2022

Craigflower Co-op Community Garage Sale
July 21st 2022

Craigflower Co-op General Meeting, August 16th, 2022, at 8 PM
July 21st 2022
Greetings Craigflower Co-op members,
We will be holding a general meeting Tuesday, August 16th, 2022 at 8 PM via Zoom. The main agenda item is a housing charge increase. Please see the attached files to find:
- The agenda.
- The draft budget.
- The asset management plan.
This year’s budget was heavily influenced by the Asset Management Plan produced for us by CHF BC. A version of this plan was distributed in September 2021 and again in February 2022 when members reviewed the plan at a workshop. With this in mind, we have invited Nick Dolbilov, Asset Management Program Analyst from CHF BC to attend this General Meeting to answer any questions you might have. He will be joining us online from Vancouver.
Note that the meeting can be joined without a computer by using the dial in number. Here is the information you will need to join the meeting:
Information for Members: Spring Grounds Work Party June 18th 10am
June 12th 2022
Information for Members: CHF BC in-person conference, June 4th: ISLAND EDUCATION DAY
May 29th 2022
We will be offering popular workshops such as Ask The Lawyers – Sublets, Roommates, and Occupancy Standards and presenting new workshops such as Rebuilding Social Connectedness and Participation Post-COVID-19. This session will provide attendees with new frameworks, concrete strategies, and practical resources housing co-ops can actively adopt for reviving connections.

Information for Members: Changes to Notices
February 18th 2022
Going forward, the Board will be moving away from delivering paper notices, both for better efficiency, and to reduce waste. The Board has proactively reached out to CHFBC, who have indicated that this shift to emailed notices falls within the guidelines of the Craigflower Rule 26.1 (e). Going forward, all notices and updates, including notice of AGMs and fee increases, will be provided to all members via the email address that has been registered with the co-op. Other announcements can be found on the website and bulletin board. If you require a medical accommodation regarding paper notices, please reach out to the Board to make arrangements.
As always, the Board appreciates your engagement and participation. Please reach out to us directly with any questions or comments at
Notice to Members: Asset Management Workshop Feb. 9th via Zoom
January 31st 2022
Time: Feb 9, 2022 07:00 PM Vancouver
Passcode: 790807
Notice to Members: AGM January 25th 7pm via Zoom
January 5th 2022
Time: Jan 25, 2022 07:00 PM Vancouver
Passcode: 618060
+1 778 907 2071 Canada
Passcode: 618060
Find your local number:
- Report of the auditor. (Financial statements will be sent to members prior to the meeting.)
- Election of directors.
- call to order;
- approval or variation of agenda;
- minutes of preceding meeting to be disposed of;
- business arising out of minutes;
- financial statements;
- report of the auditor;
- appointment of the auditor;
- report of the Directors and any committees;
- election of Directors;
- other business properly coming before the meeting; and
- close of meeting.
Notice to Members from Grounds: Icy Mornings
December 4th 2021
Notice to Members: Asset Management Plan
September 27th 2021
- This is a living plan that will need to be updated regularly, at least every 3 years.
- In it’s current first draft, it does not capture some of the additional work that the co-op will be undertaking with our loan monies, most of this work is based on membership feedback from the CHF BC survey conducted in July 2021.
- This plan looks at the co-op’s current assets only and so if there are future projects that the Board or members want to take on, these would need to be added.
- For example, with the co-op’s Preservation Funding Grant, we had an Energy Study done which recommended –
- EV charging stations.
- Heats pumps in each unit.
- The Asset Management Plan will be a great resource for the co-op once completed to get clarity on the timeline of projects, i.e. a complete driveway replacement.
Notice to Members from Grounds: Pre-fall Work Parties
September 12th 2021
Wednesday September 15th at 6pm
Notice to Members: Community Garden Space Notices / Work Party
June 11th 2021
1) There is a small plot available, please email (or drop a note in mailbox #16) if you are interested and/or would like to be on a wait list for future plot availability.
Notice to Members: Member Input Survey – Long Term Asset Management
June 7th 2021
Hello there,
The Co-op is currently working with CHF BC to develop an Asset Management Plan (AMP using the Preservation Funding Grant that we have received.
At this point, CHF BC is asking for input from all co-op members to share their observations and concerns regarding long-term asset management. Please click on the link below to complete the anonymous survey by June 13, 2021. I have also provided a link below where you can find more information about CHF BC’s Asset Management Services.
Thank you for your participation and let me know if you have any questions!
Miranda (#27)
Notice to Members: Grounds Update
June 7th 2021
Notice to Members: Bus Path Access Gate Code
June 4th 2021
Notice to All Members from Ground Committee: Blackberry Brambles
March 10th 2021
Hello everyone.
With spring around the corner we want to get a jump on keeping any invasive species (mainly the blackberries) to a manageable state before they burst.
Over the next two weeks we will be pruning any such areas. If you want to help that would be great, or if you know any areas that need attention please let us know.
If you do cut any down, we will collect and dispose of the trimmings, as they cannot go into the trailer. Just send us an email at
Thanks everyone
Notice to All Members: Reminder – Emergency and Regular Maintenance Request Procedures
February 24th 2021